The 20 Different Types of Coffee Drinks (With Pictures)

Last Updated on February 3, 2022 by John Moretti

Have you ever walked into a cafe and found yourself confused at the wide array of coffee options? You hear customers casually throwing around names like Ristretto and Macchiato. Meanwhile, you’re scanning through the menu, contemplating to ask the barista for help. If you’ve ever been confused by all the different types of coffee drinks, why don’t you check the complete guide to different types of coffee drinks here?

From classic brews to artisan mixes, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about the most popular coffee drinks. From flavor profiles to brewing methods, you’ll never have to stress over your coffee order again.

  • Best Strong Coffee Drinks – Espresso, Ristresso, Ristretto, Long Macchiato, Macchiato
  • Most Caffeine – Lungo, Red Eye, Vienna, Cortado, Doppio
  • Best Moderate Coffee Drinks – Cappuccino, Flat White, Gibraltar, Piccolo, Americano
  • Best Mild Coffee Drinks – Latte, Galão
  • Best Sweet and Customizable Coffee Drinks – Breve, Mocha
  • Best Cold Coffee Drinks – Frappuccino, Cold Brew
coffee drinks

1. Espresso

  • Country of Origin: Italy
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 50 – 100 ml 

Perhaps one of the most iconic and recognizable coffee beverages is the espresso. These tiny shots pack a flavorful punch of concentrated caffeine. 

The elegance is in the drink’s simplicity. Complex espresso machines push pressurized hot water through a fine grid to extract the rich flavor. The result is an acidic yet slightly bitter brew with a thick, creamy texture.

A one or two-ounce espresso shot is the best pick-me-up in existence. Of course, the strong taste isn’t for everyone. That’s why espresso shots often serve as the base ingredient for lighter coffee drinks like latte, cappuccino, or macchiato.

2. Latte

  • Country of Origin: Italy
  • Brewing Temperature: 65 – 70 C
  • Serving Size: 250 – 300 ml

If espressos are for the coffee purist, lattes are for the first-time drinker. This beverage is often most people’s introduction to the world of coffee. This is due to the large quantity of milk in the drink, which helps counteract some of the bitterness of the beans.

To make a latte, the barista will start with a single or double shot of espresso. Then they will mix in a generous amount of steamed milk followed by a light layer of milk foam on top.

The popular drink comes in a wide variety of flavor options, from hazelnut to vanilla. Recently, pumpkin spice has become a huge hit. Since lattes are so customizable, they appeal to the average coffee drinker.

3. Cappuccino

  • Country of Origin: Italy 
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 150 – 200 ml

Competing with the latte in mass appeal is the cappuccino. While the ingredients are similar to those in the latte, their ratios vary greatly. In the cappuccino, the espresso, steamed milk, and foam are all added in equal quantities. 

This helps give it a stronger taste that is closer to an espresso than the other drinks. Due to this, it has a reputation for hitting the perfect balance between these two extremes. Also, unlike the latte, these ingredients are not mixed but instead carefully added to form distinct layers.

Like lattes, cappuccinos also have a huge degree of variety from place to place. It is not uncommon to come across a cappuccino that is made with cream instead of milk. Moreover, some coffee shops might even add in a shot of flavor to bring their own unique twist to the beverage or even top it off with chocolate or cinnamon.

4. Mocha

  • Country of Origin: Italy
  • Brewing Temperature: 80 – 90 C
  • Serving Size: 150 – 250 ml 

The mocha or mochaccino is a drink fit for royals and any chocolate lover’s dream. The best part about this drink is how customizable it is. 

You can make this drink with 1 to 4 pumps of chocolate syrup and 2 to 4 shots of espresso – it all comes down to your preferences. Add a little whipped cream to top it off, and you have a coffee drink bordering on dessert.

The mocha occupies a similar niche to that of the latte. Since it contains a lot of other ingredients, the coffee’s bitter edge is neutralized. This makes it appealing to new drinkers. The mocha differs in the addition of chocolate and whipped cream, making it a sweet caffeinated treat.

5. Flat White

  • Country of Origin: Australia 
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 150 – 240 ml

The flat white is similar to a cappuccino but drops the layer of milk foam and the sprinkle of chocolate or cinnamon. Instead, this drink is made by pouring a shot of espresso and following that up with a generous serving of steamed milk or microfoam. 

Particularly popular in Australia, the blended ingredients allow the strong coffee flavor to shine through the drink. The bitterness and acidity, however, are moderated by the addition of milk. 

This balance is what makes the flat white so special. The flavor of coffee still has a chance to shine through but not so much that it overpowers the casual drinker. Thus, making it a good option for coffee purists and amateurs alike. 

6. Frappuccino

  • Country of Origin: United States of America
  • Brewing Temperature: 50 – 70 C
  • Serving Size: 150 – 500 ml 

Unlike some of the other drinks on this list, the Frappuccino is a relatively recent invention that has taken the coffee-drinking world by storm. Particularly popular with millennials, this beverage was brought to prominence by Starbucks in recent years. 

The first cold coffee on this list, a frappuccino, is made by pouring a shot of espresso, followed by a layer of milk, and then a layer of ice. Finally, to complete the drink, a healthy layer of whipped cream is added to the top. 

Most frappuccinos, however, will also contain an additional sprinkling of spices on top. Moreover, a shot or two of flavor such as vanilla is also a common addition to the drink. Overall, this drink is closer to a coffee milkshake than a typical coffee beverage; however, that is part of its appeal. 

7. Cold Brew

  • Country of Origin: Japan
  • Brewing Temperature: 0 – -5 C
  • Serving Size: 100 – 150 ml
cold brew

Much like the previous entrant on the list, cold brew coffee is a chilled drink. Unlike other cold coffees that are brewed hot and then kept over ice, the preparation method for cold brew is entirely unique. This popular beverage emerged from Japan as an alternative method of brewing coffee.

Instead of high temperatures and steaming water, cold brew leaves coffee grounds in chilled water overnight. Placed in the refrigerator, the flavor seeps out of the beans. Although time-consuming, this method results in a unique beverage. The flavor profile is completely different from coffee brewed at high temperatures.

Cold-brew has a milder taste and a sweetness not found in traditional coffees. Moreover, the brewing process removes any acidity and gives you a drink that is easy on the stomach.

This coffee is an excellent choice for people with sensitive stomachs as well as for connoisseurs who are looking to try something novel and new!

8. Ristretto

  • Country of Origin: Italy 
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 30 ml (For 15 grams of coffee) 

For coffee drinkers who enjoy espressos so much that they can never seem to get enough, a ristretto may be the next logical step up. A ristretto is very similar to an espresso. There are only two ingredients, coffee, and water. The difference, however, lies in the concentration.

A ristretto uses either half the water or double the coffee, depending on how you look at it compared to an espresso. This gives the drink a lush, almost creamy viscosity. Moreover, it has an intensely concentrated flavor profile that is sure to wake up even the sleepiest drinker. 

This drink might be a bit too much for new coffee drinkers. However, experienced connoisseurs are sure to enjoy the extra punch this beverage brings to the table. 

9. Long Macchiato

  • Country of Origin: Italy 
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 150 ml (with some variations) 

The long macchiato is another drink suitable for those drinkers who prefer a stronger beverage. Similar to some other drinks in this list, the long macchiato is made with espresso serving as the base.

However, the difference is that this beverage has two shots of espresso followed by a layer of steamed milk. Sometimes a long macchiato will also have slight variations and include a layer of foam on top or other additions. 

This drink gets you the caffeine hit and the classic bitter taste of strong coffee without being too acidic or overpowering. The milk adds a moderating effect to the overall flavor profile and makes the drink a lot more palatable to amateur drinkers than a neat double espresso would do. 

10. Breve

  • Country of Origin: United States of America
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C 
  • Serving Size: 150 – 200 ml 

The breve is a rich drink suitable for those who want something sweet and creamy for their beverage. As the base, breve contains a shot of espresso, like so many other drinks. The difference, however, is in the layer of steamed half and half that covers the espresso. 

Half and half is a combination, in equal parts, of milk and cream. This addition makes the beverage much richer than it would be with a regular layer of steamed milk. Due to this, it can even be used as a dessert beverage to cap off a meal. 

Thanks to the increased richness from the half and half, breve has a strong yet moderated coffee flavor. Moreover, it lacks some of the sharp acidity and bitterness that may turn away some coffee drinkers from the traditional espresso. 

11. Galao

  • Country of Origin: Portugal
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 200 – 250 ml

The galao is very similar to the latte; however, this one originates from Portugal and brings its own unique spin on coffee. 

The base is made of a shot of espresso, followed by a very thick layer of foamed milk. Usually, for this reason, the drink is served in a tall glass so that the milk layer can be as thick as possible. Due to the high proportion of milk in the drink, galao is similar to a cappuccino or latte as the flavor of coffee is relatively diluted.

The major difference between a galao and a latte is that it is milkier and lighter, in addition to the larger volume, thanks to the tall glass. This makes it appealing as a drink that is used to relax or wind down as it has a creamy flavor profile. Moreover, acidity is avoided due to a large amount of dairy present in the drink.

12. Lungo

  • Country of Origin: Italy
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 50 – 60 ml  

The lungo is another variation on espresso that serves a slightly different role than regular espresso. In comparison to traditional espresso, lungo has a greater amount of water in the drink because it takes longer to pull. This makes it overall a larger drink, albeit a less concentrated one. 

This makes it suitable for coffee drinkers who want the caffeine hit of espresso but without the same intensity and viscosity as a regular espresso. 

One thing to note, however, is that often lungo will come off as more bitter than traditional espresso to most palates. This is simply down to the fact that the coffee flavor is less concentrated and hence the bitter taste is a lot more pronounced when it’s diluted in more water.

Regardless, lungo serves as a good alternative for prolific espresso drinkers looking to mix it up. It also has a higher amount of caffeine. 

13. Red Eye

  • Country of Origin: United States of America
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 150 – 200 ml
Red Eye Coffee

A lot of people drink coffee for the flavor and the aroma that this unique drink offers. Others, however, consume it for the caffeine hit, which can help one wake up and even focus on an important task, while some people drink coffee for both of these reasons. It is these people whom the red-eye caters to. 

Red-eye is made of a base of espresso followed by a thick layer of traditionally brewed coffee. This offers not only a double caffeine hit but also the chance to enjoy coffee made in two ways in one drink. Thus the red-eye is excellent for anyone looking to focus on a task or in need of help waking up in the morning. 

Moreover, this drink also caters to the demographic with an insatiable craving for coffee and needs it done two ways just to satisfy that itch. 

14. Macchiato

  • Country of Origin: Italy
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 80 – 100 ml 

Macchiato is very similar to a simple espresso. However, it has one crucial difference; the addition of a layer of steamed milk. This, in fact, is what the name is derived from. ‘Macchiato’ means ‘mark’ in Italian. This is a nod to the pattern that the steamed milk makes as it is poured onto the surface of the espresso. 

Macchiatos can also sometimes have some variation. Some coffee shops may offer customers the addition of a shot of flavor such as vanilla. Although, in most instances, this is an optional addition at the discretion of the drinker. 

Through the addition of milk, it has a slightly gentler flavor than that of espresso. This makes it slightly easier for newer coffee drinkers. Moreover, if you like rich and creamy espressos, then it also helps satisfy that desire through the addition of dairy into the espresso. 

15. Vienna

  • Country of Origin: Austria
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 250 – 300 ml

Another one of the endless variations on the classic espresso is the Vienna. As the name suggests, we have the Austrians to thank for the invention of this heavenly beverage. 

The Vienna is a drink made by using two shots of espresso as the base. This is then followed by a thick and generous layer of whipped cream. The two ingredients are then mixed thoroughly until infused. The whipped cream acts as a wick and draws the espresso and its flavor.

The result is that, instead of milk, whipped cream serves as the main body of the drink. This makes it luxuriantly creamy and a joy to drink for those who love the addition of dairy in their coffee.

Moreover, thanks to the fact that there are two shots of espresso in the drink, this beverage also packs a strong caffeinated punch that is likely to wake you up. Fortunately, the addition of the cream helps counterbalance some of the strong espresso flavors so that what you get is a perfectly balanced and palatable cup of Vienna.   

16. Gibraltar

  • Country of Origin: United States of America
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 100 – 150 ml

Continuing the theme of variations of the espressos is Gibraltar. Unlike the name suggests, this one is not from the Mediterranean. In fact, this beverage was first concocted in San Francisco in the United States. 

It is made upon a base of a double shot of espresso. This is then topped up by a layer of steamed milk infused with milk foam. This unique creation, thus, has two distinct qualities. 

Firstly, the double punch espresso is guaranteed to leave the drinker with a caffeine high that will keep them alert for hours to come. Secondly, this unique dairy combination of steamed milk and milk foam gives Gibraltar an airy texture while still maintaining the feel and flavor of proper milk. 

Thanks to the addition of dairy, it can be enjoyed by even beginner coffee drinkers who would usually be turned off by the concentrated flavor profile of a double espresso. Moreover, even seasoned coffee connoisseurs are likely to enjoy this drink, thanks to its intense caffeine hit without an accompanying intense flavor. 

17. Cortado

  • Country of Origin: Spain, Portugal & South America
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 120 – 150 ml 

This beverage also utilizes, you guessed it, espresso as the base of the drink. However, unlike most previous entrants on this list, this drink hails from the Iberian Peninsula and South America and thus, brings its own unique twist. 

The cortado can have a base of anything from two to four shots of espresso. This often depends on the coffee shop and the preferences of the drinker. This also makes it the first drink on this list to have four shots of espresso as the base, making it a true powerhouse when it comes to receiving caffeine hits. 

The base is followed up by a layer of steamed milk. This serves as the much-needed diluting agent to help tone down some of the coffee’s strong flavor. Moreover, the dairy also helps make this a sippable drink that can be enjoyed at coffee shops with leisure.  

Thanks to its hard-hitting caffeine punch and creamy flavor, this drink attracts professional coffee consumers and casual drinkers alike.

18. Piccolo

  • Country of Origin: Australia 
  • Brewing Temperature: 80 – 90 C
  • Serving Size: 100 – 150 ml 

The piccolo is a uniquely Australian drink that is derived from significant European influences. Moreover, this drink is a recent phenomenon that has spread over coffee shops and cafes all over Australia in a matter of no time. 

The piccolo itself is a simple beverage. Simple start with a shot of espresso as the base and layer on top some foamed milk. That is it! The beauty of this drink is in its simplicity. Thanks to the fact that there is not too much milk or other additives, hardcore coffee drinkers can binge on this throughout the day without feeling full or bloated.

Moreover, it also provides a drinker with the full flavor of coffee without diluting or distracting from the beans’ flavor profile. Although espressos can do the same thing, if you have drunk enough of them over your coffee drinking career, you are likely to have gotten bored. 

This is where the piccolo’s milk foam proves beneficial as it brings an extra element to the drink without detracting too much from the coffee itself. 

19. Doppio

  • Country of Origin: Italy 
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size:  60 – 80 ml 

Doppio is sometimes also simply known as a double espresso. This is because, in Italian, Doppio means ‘double.’ As the name suggests, this beverage is made entirely of two shots of espresso. 

This gives it a stronger taste as well as a stronger aroma. In addition, the doppio also has a greater volume than a standard espresso. This makes it a suitable drink for those who need an increased dose of caffeine in order to go about their day or pull an all-nighter.

Moreover, the doppio packs the classic flavor every coffee drinker has come to know and expect from their beverage, including a strong aroma and a bitter taste with notes of citrus.

20. Americano

  • Country of Origin: United States of America
  • Brewing Temperature: 90 – 95 C
  • Serving Size: 50 – 100 ml 

Our final entrant on this list is another variation of black coffee, although, as the name suggests, this one hails from the United States of America. To get an Americano, all you do is pour a shot of espresso and follow this up with the addition of some scalding hot water. 

The resulting drink is somewhere between a standard black coffee and an espresso. The flavor profile has all the classic coffee notes, with a bit of additional bitterness. However, the Americano does lose some of the creaminess and viscosity that is characteristic of a standard espresso. 

This beverage is suitable for those looking to drink something more substantial than a single shot of espresso. However, you do not want to contaminate the pure flavor of coffee with any other additive like milk or syrup. 


This list still doesn’t cover all the different types of coffee drinks but is enough to start you off. 

Make your way through this list till you find the coffee flavor that is perfect for your palette. Whether you want to stay safe with a mild brew or start your day off with a strong, bitter kick, there are plenty of options to choose from. 

There are dozens of variations for each of these drinks, with coffee shops bringing their own unique spin to the beverages they sell. Now, after going through this list, you should have a basic idea of some of the most popular coffee beverages out there. At the very least, you’ll never be confused about what to order. 

I wish you happy coffee-drinking on your future adventures, connoisseur!